“Anthony Owens brilliantly tells his story as an impoverished Black kid who grew up to beat the odds in Syrup Sandwiches, Choose Not to Give Up! His perseverance in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds empowers and inspires as he becomes everything he wished he'd had growing up, a great dad, and communicates a message of hope and success to children. This masterful, poignant story, is told with authentic raw emotion. A worthwhile read, this one will stay with me forever.”
- Cathy Oasheim, Next Generation Indie Book Awards Judge -
“This is truly an inspirational book of all accord. A very well written and moving book that I feel younger and older readers alike can learn from. I strongly recommend this book by Anthony Owens to every reader out there!!! ”
— C.J. Wills, The Good Read -
“ The book encourages, motivates, and stimulates the minds of readers as they follow the author growing through different experiences. Syrup Sandwiches is a fascinating read! This awe-inspiring memoir displays the author's grit, vulnerability, and heart. ”
— Megan Amos, The Book Commentary -